Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sigur Ros

I guess I consider this painting ALMOST finished. There's a lot of characters so it takes longer than usual. And I'm learning that I don't like painting such tiny people with shaky hand. This one's a tribute to another of my fave bands - Sigur Ros from Iceland, a country that's supposed to have the greatest public educational system in the world.


Joseph Lee said...

I tip my hat off to you sir! Another beaut! You're gonna need a gallery to show these paintings soon!

mark covell said...

Nice work on the band members. I'll give them a listen.

john said...

Cool painting. I like Sigur Ros too. I did not realize there were so many members in the band.

D. Polcino said...

Thanks guys! John- yeah, I think they have four key members, but play with a lot of string accompaniment. Check out "Heima" the concert video they made (directed by Lilo & Stitch director). It's AMAZING.

moDiD. said...

There are so many things I like about this painting! My arms tire from shaking my fists at your awesomeness!